Saturday, March 5, 2011

Challenge Based Learning

Don Henderson and Marco Torres.

Take something global and make it local.
Become a co-learner with the students.
Group think to start with. Come up with ideas- if there’s 1 good one there should be 5 not so good ones.

MythBusters / Master Chef Uses this approach.
Providing evidence of learning.

Capture the learning - self reflection videos using photo booth. Make their own booths.


The stages / process.

The Big Idea: The big idea is a broad concept that can be explored in multiple ways, is
engaging, and has importance to students and the larger society. Examples of
big ideas are Identity, Sustainability, Creativity, Violence, Peace, and Power.

Essential Question: By design, the big idea allows for the generation of a wide variety of
essential questions that should reflect the interests of the students and the needs of their
community. Essential questions identify what is important to know about the big idea
and refine and contextualize that idea.

The Challenge: From each essential question a challenge is articulated that asks students
to create a specific answer or solution that can result in concrete, meaningful action.

Guiding Questions: Generated by the students, these questions represent the knowledge
students need to discover to successfully meet the challenge. (TEACHER GUIDES)

Guiding Activities: These lessons, simulations, games, and other types of activities help
students answer the guiding questions and set the foundation for them to develop
innovative, insightful, and realistic solutions. (TEACHER GUIDES)

Guiding Resources: This focused set of resources can include podcasts, websites,
videos, databases, experts, and so on that support the activities and assist students with
developing a solution.

Solutions: Each challenge is stated broadly enough to allow for a variety of solutions.
Each solution should be thoughtful, concrete, actionable, clearly articulated, and
presented in a publishable multimedia format such as an enhanced podcast or short

Assessment: The solution can be assessed for its connection to the challenge, accuracy
of the content, clarity of communication, applicability for implementation, and efficacy of
the idea, among other things. In addition to the solution, the process that the individuals
as well as teams went through in getting to a solution can also be assessed, capturing the
development of key 21st century skills.

Publishing: The challenge process allows for multiple opportunities to document the
experience and publish to a larger audience. Students are encouraged to publish their
results online, soliciting feedback. The idea is to broaden the learning community and
foster discussion about solutions to the challenges important to students

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