Tuesday, March 29, 2011


“Learning is about more than simply acquiring new knowledge and insights; it is also crucial to unlearn old knowledge that has outlived its relevance. Thus, forgetting is probably at least as important as learning.” Gary Ryan Blair

I wonder if sometimes 'experience' can do us a dis-service. This might happen when our experience blinkers our view, our doesn't promote our thinking about things in new or previously unexplored ways. Our 'experience' can build assumptions, and sometimes these assumptions can be counter productive to new learning.

What do you think?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ted ED

Want to explore some interesting learning focused thinking?

You could try Ted ED.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

'First in, first served!'

Isn't that just common sense? If I'm the first one in, shouldn't I expect to be served first?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More thinking about 'spaces'

Connected with this blog this morning:

Classroom Environments: Does Space Make a Difference?

Although I feel we are a long way down the track compared with the classrooms described in this blog, it does again raise the question, 'how do we create dynamic learning spaces that enhance opportunities to achieve our vision for learning?'.
An interesting task at the bottom - photographing your classroom and sharing aspects of it. I'm still very interested in considering the further development of outdoor learning spaces also.
What might your ideal learning space look like?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Have been thinking about communication and reflecting on the ways we communicate the range of things we need to at school.

Have we become too efficient with the ways we try to communicate some things? These things generally take on a lower level of importance (but are still important in many ways), and are repeated in a range of ways for our learners. By having things in the term overview book, talked about at a Friday morning meeting and again at a Monday morning meeting, and maybe again in the morning communication book, are we disempowering the message because people feel either:
a) I've heard this before. I heard you the first time and responded,so if you're saying it again, obviously it's up to other people to respond, because I already have. Maybe the others I work with aren't as professional as I am.
b) I'm not going to pay too much attention to this now, because you'll just tell us again when it gets more important.
c) I know it's in the term overview booklet, but who reads that? I looked over it at the start of the term, but hey, things change, and you'll just re-organise things anyway.
d) 80% of the stuff talked about doesn't pertain directly to me. I have other things I could be doing that would be better use of my time right now. In fact, I think I'll start doing them in my mind anyway.
Maybe it's time to rethink our purposes and practices with communication. In Singapore, Simon Sinek said 'To lead you’ve got to have a vision and the ability to communicate it'. Maybe more of our communication should be vision centered (more big picture) and challenge based? Or would that then be in danger of losing its power also? I read Seth's blog this morning and found it an interesting possible link as well.
What are your thoughts on this? Am I over analysing things?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

An article I found interesting


Outlining the research to the Independent Schools Council’s annual conference in London today, Rudolf Eliott Lockhart, its head of research, said: “The real reason was that the most disadvantaged students simply don’t apply in enough numbers and don’t study the necessary A-levels in enough numbers.”

He added: “Schools in the independent sector have the good fortune to be free of government interference and are thus able to choose the best curriculum for their pupils, concentrating on education rather than targets.

“Our schools are able to guide pupils towards the subjects that will benefit them rather than the subjects that will help the school rise up a league table.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's important?

I was just driving home reflecting on an e-mail from a Principal colleague in a school effected by the earthquake in Christchurch... got me thinking...
I wonder whether they've thought about national standards in the last 3 weeks?
What's really important?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


We must take time to stop and 'smell the roses'

Make a difference

One of the great things about being an educator is the thought, 'I can make a difference!'. As a school we've been thinking about our friends in Christchurch. We've thought about how we might make a positive difference for them, given the adversity they've faced. What might we be able to do to help and support them? How can we help bring some smiles back to the faces of those who have endured so much hardship?
This disaster, and now also the tragedy that has occurred in Japan, has caused me to pause and reflect often over the last few days and weeks. Watching the images and hearing the stories, I've felt a sense of helplessness - what can we do to help??? Money has been the most practical answer. Raise some money and send it down to help with the repair. As a school, we've done this, raising just over $1200 for a school in need in Christchurch. It was a good effort, and I'm sure will be appreciated. Well done to our school community!
Whilst celebrating this, my thoughts have also been on not taking for granted the ability we have to make a difference every day.
So the question is,
Who might you connect with who you haven't done so recently?
Who might need that extra bit of support or understanding?
Which parents might appreciate a call to let them know how you're enjoying learning with their child?
Which colleagues have inspired or supported you? How could you say thanks or pay it forward?
How are you going to have fun and celebrate learning?
Can you make a bit more time for that learner that you've had a bit more difficulty understanding?
How can you look 'outside' of yourself, and towards a bigger picture.

As we get caught up in the busyness of life, both in school and out, it can be easy to lose sight of the woods for the trees. I believe that these local and global disasters can serve as a reminder - they remind me how fortunate we are, and that we should not take that, and our ability to really make a difference for granted.
I'm going to try hard to make a difference this week, I hope you are too!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So What, Now What?

I’ve had some time now to reflect on the experiences and learning of the last few days, and as I sit on the plane returning for home, I’m going to try to capture some of the possible next steps. The following bullet points will serve as my ‘so what, now what’.

Further explore the concept of Challenge Based Learning. Investigate this in relationship to our current conceptual curriculum. Share a learnshop with Think Tank in this regard

Reflect on our vision statement. Do we want to simplify a layer across the to? At the moment we have ‘Kids on the Ridge Soaring High. I particularly like. ‘A school in which all learners are empowered to realise their own unique talents’. The vision - get it out there more. Charter development.

I have a dream... what is our dream for learning? Articulate on the walls of our school why we are here. Flags of SOTA school. Investigate putting our vision statement up, as previously discussed with Shelley. Inside and outside.

• Further leadership thinking. What is leadership? What is your vision for learners in your team? How is that vision communicated? Leadership is seeing a world you believe in and putting it in to words. Leadership by vision

• Gathering evidence of learning - our challenge - we’ve identified it... now lets move further. Investigate the potential of technology within this. IPad 2 - Online portfolios.
What evidence shows that the adults are learning in schools? Portfolios - for adults as well as students. - The importance of being able to show this. WHAT DOES OUR EVIDENCE LOOK LIKE (Teachers). My blog development here.

Try to organise a meeting (virtual or face to face with the lead programmer for Assembly. Show them our thinking and investigate building functionality into the assessment side of the programme for our learners.

Share with all staff the key messages of Dan Pink and ‘Motivation For Learning’. Encourage all staff to put a microscope over their practice and interogate the way motivation for learning and creative teaching occurs for their learners.

Learning Space design and development - ask our students/ teachers. An i-pad wall??? Share with all staff the research on classroom space set-up. Link back to ‘Personalising Learning. Watering hole, Cave, Campfire, Mountain Tops. May need to reconsider furniture - start to strategically plan further for furniture upgrades / changes across the school. Build on what has already occured. Indoor and outdoor spaces to achieve this.

• Library / Information centre - an IPAD wall. We need to revision what we believe this space is for. Who are you designing this for? Why the learning space is needed? What is being learnt?

• Further consider the place of technology in our vision of personalising learning. Next steps? I-pad 2 for teachers?

There is quite a bit to be done in considering these pathways. I come away from my short time in Singapore with a mix of feelings - I feel inspired, challenged, affirmed, determined, excited, and privileged. I look forward to further sharing my learning, and hopefully instilling similar feelings in my colleagues as we join together to further grow our learning, and the opportunities for all to be empowered to realise their own unique talents.

Worth a look


Saturday, March 5, 2011

John Couch - The wrap up

School can get in the way of learning.

Free agent learning: 2011 - the year of the cloud. Interconnectedness of devices etc.

‘Personalised learning’ the pathway for the future. Apple tools are being developed to support pathways of personalising learning.
By 2019 50% of high school courses will be delivered online.

Students moving from a world of
Compliance to Creativity
Attendance to Participative
Corrective to Self motivated
One size fits all to Personalised

Teachers moving from a world of
Isolated to Connected
Broadcast to Dialogue
Limited knowledge to Ubiquitous information
Expert to Guide

Learning environment from a world of
Seat time to Anywhere, anytime learning
Static books to Dynamic blended content
Subject based to Challenge based
Teacher centric to Learner centric

Classroom walls will come down. Learners will not be limited to whats in the classroom.

We have 2 choices:
1 - Ignore
2 - Transform the learning experience

The way we define our schools today will ultimately define our society of tomorrow!

Motivation and learning - Dan Pink

What really motivates us to do good work?

Behavioural physics - the intuitive sense of what drives behaviour, but not necessarily what we would think. Reward and punishment seems an obvious motivator to many people - but it's not for creative thinking.

As long as a task involves mechanical skills the higher the reward the better the performance.
But once a task calls for “even rudimentary cognitive skill”, a larger reward led to poorer performance.

'If / then' rewards work for simple routine based tasks but not for hueristic type tasks.

Our students will be using the cognitive skills of artists.

Nearly all schoolwork is like ‘commissioned' work. Non commissioned work gives more creativity. Schools should work towards more non-commissioned time.

3 important motivators:

Management is a technology designed to give compliance.

High standards and autonomy are generally what is talked about when people talk about best leaders or teachers.
People want autonomy over -

Fedex days for schools - you have 24 hours to come up with 1 idea to improve our school - after 24 hours you have 3 - 4 minutes to present your idea.

The single biggest motivator ... Making progress in one’s work.

Do it yourself report cards.

Elevate the 'why' and don’t get too caught up on the how.


Challenge Based Learning

Don Henderson and Marco Torres.


Take something global and make it local.
Become a co-learner with the students.
Group think to start with. Come up with ideas- if there’s 1 good one there should be 5 not so good ones.

MythBusters / Master Chef Uses this approach.
Providing evidence of learning.

Capture the learning - self reflection videos using photo booth. Make their own booths.


The stages / process.

The Big Idea: The big idea is a broad concept that can be explored in multiple ways, is
engaging, and has importance to students and the larger society. Examples of
big ideas are Identity, Sustainability, Creativity, Violence, Peace, and Power.

Essential Question: By design, the big idea allows for the generation of a wide variety of
essential questions that should reflect the interests of the students and the needs of their
community. Essential questions identify what is important to know about the big idea
and refine and contextualize that idea.

The Challenge: From each essential question a challenge is articulated that asks students
to create a specific answer or solution that can result in concrete, meaningful action.

Guiding Questions: Generated by the students, these questions represent the knowledge
students need to discover to successfully meet the challenge. (TEACHER GUIDES)

Guiding Activities: These lessons, simulations, games, and other types of activities help
students answer the guiding questions and set the foundation for them to develop
innovative, insightful, and realistic solutions. (TEACHER GUIDES)

Guiding Resources: This focused set of resources can include podcasts, websites,
videos, databases, experts, and so on that support the activities and assist students with
developing a solution.

Solutions: Each challenge is stated broadly enough to allow for a variety of solutions.
Each solution should be thoughtful, concrete, actionable, clearly articulated, and
presented in a publishable multimedia format such as an enhanced podcast or short

Assessment: The solution can be assessed for its connection to the challenge, accuracy
of the content, clarity of communication, applicability for implementation, and efficacy of
the idea, among other things. In addition to the solution, the process that the individuals
as well as teams went through in getting to a solution can also be assessed, capturing the
development of key 21st century skills.

Publishing: The challenge process allows for multiple opportunities to document the
experience and publish to a larger audience. Students are encouraged to publish their
results online, soliciting feedback. The idea is to broaden the learning community and
foster discussion about solutions to the challenges important to students

From Seth Goodin

Is something important because you measure it, or is it measured because it's important?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Evidencing for learning

Maybe we need to take some pathways towards e-portfolios. One of the things that has come through is, taking our pedagogy and then thinking through how we collect artefacts to represent and share this. I've always been a bit put off because of a management of data perspective - how do we get all children to be self managing with this - sense of purpose (the why) and the how and what has never held complete clarity. One of the things that has occurred to me, however, through beginning this blog, is that sometimes you just need to make a start - have a big picture principle, and then head out on that run and see where we get. Maybe that's a challenge for all of us - to think from the perspective of 'we want to use digital technology to capture learning for our students' and then see what evolves. Not be fixed by a particular tool or way, but to go on that run, and open that world of possibilities. The hardest part might be, 'the getting out of bed and then those first few kilometres'. But, at the end of the day, you've got to start by taking some steps, to start you off on a direction. The i-pad 2 is a new tool that we could use to explore some of this.

Another participant at the summit shared a tool they are using for e-portfolios - http://mahara.org/ maybe this is a good way to 'get out of bed'.

Marco Torres

Marco Torres:
On collecting evidence of learning.

What does learning really look like? How do you define a top learner?
What evidence shows me that the adults are learning in schools? Portfolios - for adults as well as students.
In the digital space you don’t need to have analogue restrictions.
Is school an analogue device with restrictions to learning.

The cello analogy - ipad cello vs traditional cello etc.

A good Principal is a voracious learner.
We need to be able to collect evidence of learning.

‘I am loyal to people who provide me with remarkable moments’

Latte art. Evidence of learning.
Learners love to share and learners love feedback.

If you want to be a remarkable teacher - get a hobby!

If you’re a learner, you know what better is.

The role of the teacher

Seymour Papert -” The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready - made knowledge”

Pedagogy -
Not education (noun), but learning (verb)

John Couch - take 2

Learning with Apple -
We’re not here to sell you a computer, we’re here to share with you what we think education could be in the next few years.

Viewing technology as an environment - not a tool.

Technology is only a technology born before the technology...

Apples Education Vision
A world in which all learners are empowered to realise their own unique talents. (I like it - simple, but has meaning... could fit with our school).

Everyone is gifted, or has gifts.

Student expectations:
Will the learning environment:
Accommodate my mobile lifestyle
Encourage teamwork and collaboration
Adapt to my individual learning style

Strategic “ Directions” Challenges
Innovation needed in : Pedagogy (learning) , technology (devices), content (and delivery).

Steps apple are taking :
Technology: Mac, Ipod and iPhone, IPad.
Digital expression - create, share, and be productive

“People only see what they are prepared to see” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


The i-pad:
The internet in your hands
Immediate access to information
Based on latest open standards

I tunes U.

e-pub - open eBook standard, embedded video, quickly evolving.

Start With The Why

Simon Sinek

What do we mean when we talk about leadership? Do we have a common understanding of the term.
To lead we can use either manipulation or inspiration. We should rely on inspiration rather than manipulation (I see links here to Dan Pinks thinking in Drive).

Why do we do what do? Whats our cause / belief?
If you don’t know why you do what you do, how will anyone else. This lead me to reflecting on the deliberate acts we have been doing to make our vision more explicit and alive in what we do. I look forward to getting back to this big picture thinking with the Board on Tuesday as we review our charter - the why we do what we do, followed by the 'how' and the 'what'.

To lead you’ve got to have a vision and the ability to communicate it.
Leadership coaching - possible reflective questions : What is leadership? What is your vision for students in your team? How is that vision communicated (children, families, colleagues). How is it lived? I have a dream... what is our dream for learning?
What sort of world do you want to live in? Leadership is seeing a world you believe in and putting it in to words. Be part of something bigger than yourself - as a school.

School is forming the ‘whys’ in our children right now - in terms of some world views. (Moral purpose etc).

If you compete against everyone else, no one wants to help you. If you compete against yourself, everyone wants to help you.

Again, the vision - having the why at the centre of all we do is most important. I believe sometimes we can get too caught up on smaller details at the expense of the bigger 'why' and our key principles. we become too focussed on running only to the botanical gardens...

The goal is not to surround yourself with people who need what you have but to surround yourself with people who believe what you believe.
In terms of recent leadership decision making - I feel very privileged to be part of a team who share common 'big picture' beliefs. We have synergy with our views of how we can empower our children to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. It's exciting to think of this passion catching - like the passion flu (thanks Nicki), and spreading further through our learning community. I am excited... and inspired.


John Couch - Vice President Apple Education.

What is our vision for learning and how do we march forward into a world we don’t know too much about?

Leadership by vision:

(why does our school exist? What’s our purpose?)

Gives clarity to one’s mission
Innovation to ones strategic directions
Creativity to the practical steps
Freedom to think ahead

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower - Steve Jobs 1977
The personal computer is like a mental bicycle - to enhance our mental capabilities... this was the original vision for Apple in developing the personal computer. To be a mental bicycle.

“some people skate to the puck, I skate to where the puck is going to be” Wayne Gretsky


The Summit begins. People registered come from 28 countries with the furtherest and longest travel being by delegates from Brasil. This is the 4th Learning Summit in the past two years with previous events being held in Vienna, Hong Kong and last year in Prague by Prague International School http://schoolnet.isp.cz/.
This years event is being held at the School Of The Arts in Singapore (SOTA). http://www.sota.edu.sg/ Basically SOTA is a special character school - with the goal of using the arts as a vehicle to encourage exploration and rigour across the curriculum. Students have a major (either visual arts, music, dance or theatre arts) which they spend half a day specialising in, and then explore other curricular for the other parts of the day. The school day runs from about 8:00am - 5:00pm for most students. The facilities here are amazing - the school is in the centre of the city, in one of the busiest parts of town. The Principal was given the freedom (and resourcing) in the year 2000 to design the school - from the vision, principles and curriculum outward. She then developed a 'property infrastructure' that could mirror the social infra-structure. A key goal identified by the Principal was for the school to have civic conciousness - a school to make a difference in the community and landscape of learning. She used the 'architecture of the mind' in describing another key philosophy - using the building, design and innovation as a metaphor for learning - using prior ideas to innovate, construct ideas, reconstruct, meet goals, celebrate and then start again. Interesting to reflect on - particularly given the flavour of property here. Another striking feature is the visual way the principles of the school are displayed. Very prominent and visual for all.
How visual are our key principles?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Predetermined pathways

Sometimes I wonder if we try to pre-determine pathways at the expense of other opportunities.
This morning I had planned to get up and go for a run through the botanical gardens. I didn't really know how to find them, and upon asking at the lobby, was shown a map in chinese and told it was 'that way'. So, I set off, looking for the said gardens. If this was to be an assessment activity where I was judged on my ability to find the gardens, I would have failed miserably. However, what I did experience was pretty amazing - things I wouldn't have seen had I been in the gardens. I ran alongside a river, through some amazing streets with the architecture that reminded me of Star Wars. I passed the home of the Singapore F1 GP and ran through the chequered flag. I ran through tunnels, over bridges, past some interesting shops and food courts.
So I guess what I'm saying is, I got to experience things I hadn't thought of or imagined before I stepped out the door this morning. I still achieved my overall goal of going for a decent run to start the day, but didn't make the botanical gardens.
Oh well, I could always try again tomorrow - who knows what I might find!


As I write this I am sitting in the international departure lounge at Auckland airport. In about 30 minutes I’ll be boarding a 12 hour flight to Singapore. I’m feeling really privileged and a bit excited. The people at duty free (I love duty free!!! Must be the ‘Price’ in me) were surprised to find that I am to return again on Monday. Traveling for about 15 hours, one way, to spend three days on the other side of the planet does I guess seem slightly unusual. But for me, right now, it seems just about right. I wouldn’t really want to be away from the family for longer than that, and I’m going for work - man I have a great job! When this opportunity was originally offered to me, I was honoured to be asked, but also slightly apprehensive about whether it should be, and could be possible. After a short time thinking about it, I was rung by the New Zealand point of contact and asked for an answer “will you be joining us or not?”. At that stage I didn’t feel I’d discussed it and thought through implications enough with others, so gave what would be the easiest response. “No”. In saying no, I wouldn’t have to think about further organisation, or have to spend time away from family or school. Part of me was also concerned with what others may think - is this me as a leader in the school off on a junket when everyone else is at school doing the hard yards???
Immediately after giving my “no” decision and getting off the phone, I felt a sense of disappointment. This would have been a great opportunity - the conference (or leadership summit as it is being termed) is featuring some thinkers and ideas that I feel ready to explore. The questions posed connected with me. The fact that everything apart from the flights was to be payed for was also to be a bonus. At that point, it was time to drive to the supermarket to meet my wife and daughter to get a few essentials. When I got there, my wife could see something was troubling me. Upon explaining that I’d just been called about heading to Singapore for the Leadership Summit, but had said no, as I wasn’t prepared for it, but part of me was now regretting the decision, she told me I was an egg. After a quick chat, I was back on the phone, backing out of my no and turning it into a ‘yes’.
As mentioned, this Leadership Summit has a certain appeal to it that I’ve not felt for a while. Having been presented with some amazing professional learning opportunities in my career, I find myself now quite fussy with what may be on offer. I also find that I am challenged and engage in great learning with colleagues at school. Last night I enjoyed some wonderful professional dialogue with a team of teachers as part of our literacy staff meeting. We questioned practice, shared examples of powerful learning and challenged ourselves to explore further methods for engaging our learners. Focussed reflective questioning drew out deeper thinking in our group, and will hopefully result in growth in practice. I found it stimulating and engaging professional learning, and it’s right at our fingertips within our own learning community. So, if I am to travel a long distance, be away from family, and the school is supporting me in this, then it had better be good - it had better be worth it. I know I have a big stake to play in that - as the old saying goes ‘you get out of something what you put into it’, but also, it helps if there is a hook or a connection through the content being explored. Often that hook or connection can be missing, and you find yourself switching off, or not engaging. There are a few things about this Summit that already have me hooked.
The first of these involves the presenters. I am particularly interested in a session that is to involve a reverse mentoring approach being lead by Dan Pink. In this session, students who have earlier presented their challenge based learning projects will be lead in a moderated panel discussion to help us to understand what motivates these children to learn. This session has a byline of ‘where the learners are the teachers and the teachers are the learners’. I think that we have so much we can learn from our students - particularly if we empower them as thinkers. It reminds me of a learning time with our student think tank a few years ago. One where some of the students were empowered to think and share and had the courage to challenge and question some of practices in schools. The term intra-curricular was born and cemented in me - with the philosophy to support it (but that’s another entry in itself). Those 9 and 10 year old presented me with a rich learning experience - I’m hoping I’ll have learning from the students at the leadership summit will also provide such richness. I think we should never underestimate children and what we can learn from them. I think all too often we shut things down through needing to maintain order or systems, or feeling that some of the challenges that they present us with is to hard for us to cope with. Maybe I’m being too harsh and unrealistic with this thinking - I’ll be interested to reflect on this thinking at the conclusion of the Summit. Another aspect of interest is a presentation and workshop session on learning spaces. Recently, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about environments for learning. Part of this is based around the rebuilding work we are going through at school. It has opened my eyes and mind more to possibilities for our spaces. I have a picture in my mind of how I could see our learning environment developing. I wish I was an artist and could paint a concept plan picture, but art never really was a strength, so I’ll just have to try and use words to describe some aspects of it.
I see an environment based on the principles of personalised and differentiated learning. Spaces that make the most of the outdoors as well as the in (indoor outdoor flow is how they describe it in real estate I think). Learners are engaged. Leading their own learning and using a variety of medium and media to engage in what they are learning. Mobile technologies are being utilised effectively, and teachers are providing meaningful feedback, feedforward or deliberate acts of teaching to help connect learners with new ideas and concepts. There are specialist spaces available to allow deep rigorous learning whether it be in the arts, PE, with literacy, maths or in developmental social spaces. Learners are engaging with others of different age and stage and a real sense of community and belonging can be felt. Parents are made to feel welcome and offer their skills and time where they can to also mentor or lead groups of children (i.e the gardening group, cooking group, building group etc). The saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is being lived - more so than I see it is now anyway.
I’ll keep thinking on this picture over the next three days... and no doubt beyond. I just hope the focus at the Summit is ‘learning’ spaces and not ‘technology’ spaces. It’s so much more than just computers or ipads.
The first speaker at the Summit is Simon Sinek whose presentation is entitled ‘Start With The Why’. This again connects with thinking and approaches for us as a school. The first sentence in the brief says - “Sinek is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them”. It goes on to say that “Simon will relate the WHY? to education: when students are inspired to do the things that inspire them, they optimise their learning”. I feel inspired already. Re-engaging with and challenging my personal vision for learning should start with the WHY I think, so might help drive some thinking in that direction.
So, as you can see, I think I’m in for some great days of learning. I’m hoping to take notes and apply them directly to my blog as I go. Essentially if you can read this, you can share some of my learning and experiences (should you wish to), and keep the learning conversations alive.
I’m also excited about visiting a country I’ve never been to before and enjoying some of what it has to offer. I’m hoping to go for a run through the botanic gardens in the morning to clear out the travel cobwebs, and then do a bit of exploring. The Summit starts tomorrow night and then we’ll be heading home again on Sunday. I arrive back in NZ on Monday afternoon, and get the opportunity for more duty free. I love duty free.
Well done if you’ve managed to read all this. As you will have guessed, I have time on my hands in the plane. All entries won’t be this long or involved. However, I have found I have enjoyed doing this writing... maybe there is something in that research that says boys can find it motivating to blog...
Enough for now, it’s time for me to listen to an audio book of Dan Pinks ‘Drive’.
Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend.